Monday, February 27, 2012

RINO Watch: Schmidt and Dewine

2 more RINOS to watch out for in the future:  Schmidt and Dewine.  They're on the down low for now, but when it's time to come out of hibernation, here come the charging RINOS in a herd!

Meet RINO Olympia Snowe, the snow jobber RINO

Meet long time RINO 0lympia Snowe.  Here is another Congresswoman who hurts the conservative cause in the House.  Things are currently on the down low for now, but when things start to thaw out, we will soon get a political snow job, all thanks to her.  It's time to get another spineless RINO out of office, after all the years she has done damage to the country.


It's time to kick another RINO out of office!  Lisa Murkowska got into the office by having a political temper tantrum when she didn't get nominated by the GOP for reelection to the U.S. Senate seats for Alaska.  This moo-cow RINO became a write in candidate, and literally abused the system to stay in office as an unwelcome guest in a home.  It's time for Alaskans to launch a recall campaign, and get this RINO out before she charges up some serious damage.


Friday, February 24, 2012

What would Willard do?

As the libturd stained left wing media feeds the public a bunch of political tripe, it makes me wonder what would Willard "Mitt" Romney do if he becomes President?  Does anyone have an answer yet?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We Need A RINO List!

Rattrapper has started a second blog and asked me to do the first post.  So we are going to get a RINO list for all to see.  Blue Rhinos, get ready to be chased out!